Wednesday 7 November 2007

Breakfast Lay-Over: Wait there my B.U.T Beauty

There seemed to be everything else in there from the locality to please the bus enthusiast whether they be the 'very welsh' Longwell Green bodies actually built across the Bristol Channel or the legendary Neath and Cardiff Brown Bombers but Cardiff's majestic trolleybuses didn't enter the busy Bus Station. However they did pass it and even came to rest sometimes across the road whilst the crews enjoyed the canteen facilities. It was still early one Summer Morning in 1969 when I took this view and despite the bright sunlight flooding across this magnificent beast, like the rest of the electric fleet it was very much the fading twilight for this East-Lancs BUT vehicle of 1955 No.280. Indeed the system had started to be cut back as early as 1962 when Route 2 was converted to motor buses and the small single-deck trolleybus fleet had gone by 1964. Next year in 1970 it was the final system to close in Wales.

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