Sunday 4 November 2007

The Square Bournemouth

In Summer 1992 two Eighties double-deckers belonging to both of Bournemouth's principal operators can be seen at The Square. The Wilts and Dorset East-Lancs bodied Leyland Olympian was new to Plymouth but came with it's two sisters having worked for Stevenson's of Spath in the meantime. Bournemouth's buses were traditionally yellow and the Alexander R-Series Volvo Citybus looked very much at home here.


  1. "Both of Bournemouth's principal operators"

    What an interesting statement! I think both operators might well dispute that there was a *second* principal operator. In fact, I even tried a little experiment about this recently and may be I should even post something about the results on

  2. Busing, space and time is at a premium I'm afraid and the text is normally something of an add-on for my blog is here really as a vehicle to post my photos. Had I taken more trouble with this one I might have added that one was more the country 'Area' operator and the other 'Local'. However if my outburst stirs some argument why not. I might add that I like the idea of two similar sized companies competing to be the best because that is healthy. What I don't like and I'm not mentioning any names, is the cookoo in nest type big bully operator who uses it's Muscle to force everyone else off the road especially the smaller former Municipals and long established Independents.
