Thursday 20 March 2008

Liverpool Green Lane looks white to me

Liverpudlians have a strange sense of humour which fits the city well as it can be rather a surreal place as the opposite seems to happen to everywhere else. For instance normally when it snows the snow ploughs and gritters come out but in Liverpool they just take one look out of the window and go on strike. You're right tt must have been during the Derek Hatton era. But the white stuff certainly made an interesting wintry picture of the many buses parked up at Merseyside's Green Lane depot. I wonder how many drivers didn't turn up for work that day either, but as you can see some of us had to work. Fortunately the snow only seemed to fall on Merseyside so the rest of my journey back to the Midlands was clear. Nearest the camera is Willowbrook bodied Leyland Atlantean 1847 but also in this view is another one No.1861 as well as the more common Alexander version here No.1580.

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