Wednesday 14 May 2008


A nice 1970's German Railways (DB) Setra in Geisen from the days when they still had plenty of brightwork.


  1. Yeap!
    Maybe it still state of the art.
    In fact, since the 70's and Setra, there's not so much to tell about bus developement.
    What you see there, is a bus with independent suspension on thre front axle and a self.supported chassis [from which came the SETRA brand].
    Great! Really nice!

    Greetings from Portugal,
    keep on with this nice weblog!


  2. Thanks for your comment CJT it is very much appreciated as there are times when I feel why should I bother when peple are just too lazy even to say 'Hello' or add something. Fortunately I usually get 500-600 visitors a week so it's not a total waste of time thankfully.
