Saturday 25 October 2008

Porto: Chris I'M an OM

Amongst the many interest buses to be seen in Porto in 1984 was this attractive OM Fiat based midibus.


  1. Fantastic picture! This is one of the little gems built by UTIC on OM chassis for a company called Moreira, Gomes e Costas. If ever we would have had the financial means to preserve buses in Portugal, this one would have been on the list. In the back a state-of-the-art (in those days) UTIC Europa and at the right, with the cheerful driver, one of the UTIC beauties that always have been my favourite type.

  2. Glad you like this one Durate, I do too. When was it built?

  3. According to the license plate this bus must have been built in 1965 or 1966.
