Thursday 9 October 2008

Volvos in Lisbon

The one nearest the camera has a body by Salvador Caetano whose livery seems to echo the heavy sandstone brown of the imposing buildings and the whiteness and chrome plate of other traffic.


  1. Hello Chris !

    I find hard to find that this photo has been taken in Lisbon.

    By the look of the surrondings, I would say Oporto... The stone used on the buildings is very typicall there.

    Could you check where you took the photo ? Please... ;)

    Best regards.

  2. I'm glad you spotted my deliberate mistake. I'm sorry my memory is not perfect and it is indeed Porto. My latest post is another view taken at the same spot that I first posted last year. I'm sure some one likes this fleet of smart UTEC bodied AEC's, I know I do.
