Wednesday 19 November 2008

Basel Tram 417

For many years boggie-trams like No.417 were typical of the network in Basel. It is seen close to the Bahnhof where passing in the opposite direction a Mercedes 0405 Post Bus arrives pulling a trailer as it works that operator's single but important route out to the Airpor from the city centre.


  1. Beautiful view. The Standard Trams were one of those unchanging things in Switzerland. You saw them in all the major cities and they were immensely old even 20 years ago (the design goes back to 1939). In fact they were so ubiquitous that I couldn't imagine them not being there. Fortunately basel still has some, albeit of the newer type, not the type in your photo. In the iotehr cities that had them they are now only memories.


  2. Yes Andrew I like them too, but the one's in Zurich were my favourites by far, the way they used to sing as they went along.
