Tuesday 11 November 2008

Quick: Before it gets too dark!

A girlfriend used to travel all around the country with her job and as a treat she took me with her on a visit to Bitterne, Portsmouth and Worthing. Sadly by the time we reached Portsmouth it was already mid-afternoon with the winter light fading fast despite the sunshine. So I bought a roll of fast film and photographed what I could. Once confined to the Gosport and Fareham area Provincial didn't run in to Portsmouth as the city was the realm of it's Corporation Buses and of course Southdown. By the Deregulated Nineties Southdown now a part of Stagecoach was still here, but the once fine Corporation fleet had been replaced by a tranche of Harry Blundred's horrid eccentric minibus empire so it was left to People's Provincial to provide most of the proper full-sized local buses. As you can see former London Transport Leyland National Mark1 buses were popular and I have to admit they did look rather smart in the operators traditional dark green.

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