Thursday 11 December 2008

Reading Titan and Fashion Show

Traditionally Reading has always been an interesting place for buses with a town fleet that has very much a style all of it's own and a prepensity for following London fashions like the purchase of the premium Priced Leyland Titan, a modern high-specification London Bus like the Routemaster. They came with coach seating or like this normal example with bus seats, the girls too seem a mixed bunch echoing the clothing trends of the Eighties.


  1. Nice shot. Thanks Christopher.


  2. This one's probably for me I suppose? Seeing my appreciation of the Titan's design and my connections to Reading. I suppose we all like girls so that's not specifically me, although it's still much appreciated.

  3. Yes Andrew I know you like Reading so I make sure I include some for you. At least you do make comments so you deserve a reward. Yes, I like Titans too.

  4. Sorry to monopolilse this thread like this. I'm always surprised how you manage to get "your" girls into the picture like that. They're probably completely unaware of what's going on so there's doubtlessly a lot of luck involved with the timing,a nd the ability to see a good situation when it's coming your way. I suppose it's easier in this location than elsewhere as if I remember correctly this is a bay where buses used to lay over for a bit to wait for time. Still, it must take a fair degree of luck. Really well done.

  5. Andrew when it comes to buses and girls yes obviously a certain amount of luck is involved. But sometimes I stand by the buses and wait for girls to come along because if one bus goes there will always be another waiting. That way a lot of buses get photographed that I wouldn't normally bother with.
