Monday 12 January 2009

Southdown: Stripe Tease Artiste

Remember those Stagecoach Stripes ,well they were a bit of a tease as they tried to put us off our favourites bus types. Today of course we find it harder to remember how we felt when pleasant more subtle colour schemes got over-run by Souter and his Perth based company. Some types particularly the more square Alexander bodied buses like the R-Series double-decker and the little Dash looked quite at home but it did little for traditional rounded designs like the ECW body on this Bristol VR seen in Portsmouth in the mid-Nineties.


  1. Most livery designers don't really take the particularities of the actual design into account, but design for some generic box-shaped bus. That is why the Stagecoach stripes looked pretty cool on a Mercedes minibus, for example, but hopelessly disfigured the VR.

    Maybe one day vehicle designers and livery designers will learn to work together more and respect one another's achievements.

  2. The Stagecoach design wasn't even the work of a designer but done 'on the back of an envelope' in the pub.
