Tuesday 24 March 2009

Grey Skies in Berlin but Spring is here or is it her Elastic

Berlin is rather a grey city and not only do the eye-catching advertisments on the Kurfirstendam brighten the place up before the trees come back into leaf the bright yellow white and black painted buses do far more to liven things up than that traditional German porridge colour that might be described as Outmeal. These MAN double-deckers which arrived in the mid-Nineties were the first to wear these colours that were probably inspired by some of the Dutch fleets. However time flies by too fast as always and now these buses too are heading for the scrapyard as the whole Berlin BVG double-deck fleet has been replaced by jumbo-sized air-conditioned three-axle MAN Lion double-deckers numbering four-hundred altogether. I imagine the 9.90 DM includes the bikini-pants too but as you probably might have guessed you have to pay extra for the German Frauline.

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