Sunday 15 March 2009

RN 8109: A Bigger One

As you can see I obviously liked the Utic Leyland-DAB's as I took two views of RN 8109 in Evora, however I don't suppose I realised it was the same bus on the second occasion.


  1. Thanks again, Chris.
    Do you also shot 8030, the bus behind 8109?
    That 8030 it's a Leyland Leopard PSU3/3L new in 1967 to S.M.Evora, the urban bus routes Municipal operator of Evora.
    Keep going with the RN 8000 fleet!

  2. Pedro I'm glad you're happy with the bigger pic of 8109. As for that Leopard and any others from Evora you'll have to wait and see.

  3. I just can't wait to see!
    Do you remember what places you have visited in Alentejo?

  4. Hi Chris !

    Just keep sending them in, because like the music of Louis Armstrong, "We Have All The Time Of The World"...

    Thank you once again for this treat !
