Thursday 13 May 2010

National Express: Would the future bring single or double-deck coaches?

In the Eighties interest reappeared in the concept of the double-deck coach for long-distance express services. Leyland had already suppled the National Bus Company with a fleet of ECW bodied double-deck semi-coaches for commuter routes into London and MCW having already built three-axle double-deckers for the Far East came up with a high capacity vehicle for National Express. Sadly from what I was told is they were a bit slow and not very popular with the crews. It's a pity as they were rather attractive in a subtle way, but the double-deck coach concept has never really taken off here due to a number of nasty accidents that have stolen the newspaper headlines. I think I was about to board Wessex B221 VHW going as far as Bristol on my way home, and I travelled on the more sprightly YEL 96X too as later Drawline it's new owners transferred it to Midland Red North where it was allocated to my local Stafford garage.

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