Saturday 24 July 2010

High Stakes: London Transport's 8387 buses and the Numbers Game

A spotter who is sick of London is sick of it!


But it was certainly an exciting prospect for me when we first came to stay for our yearly short-week holiday in the Sixties. Even when my parents rested their aching feet at the Ivenhoe nearby I was posted notebook in hand on this corner of Gt Russell Street. That was a long time ago and it was 1962, no RM's on the 73, just RM 4** series on the 127 and very early double-digit ones from Poplar on the 23 crossing towards Holborn. Of course I was still a bit too young to dally with the likes of Christime Keeler and Mandy Rice Davis so instead reluctantly I had daily wonderful Red Rover adventures and I filled no less than sixty-three pages and 'copped' someting like 1500 buses that week.Some going and especially when by the end of the week I must have seen the one's coming passed the hotel far more than just once crossing them off the list.

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