Wednesday 1 September 2010

Ian Allan's Staffordshire Bermuda Triangle

Living in the northern areas of Britain we long suspect that Southerners and of course those who live in London think we live in a world apart that doesn't really matter where for instance a weather forecaster might tell you exactly which street in Hounslow might experience a few drops of rain whilst omitting to tell the viewers that a hurricane is approaching the Shetland Islands. I'm exaggerating of course but when Ian Allan finally compiled a book of major British Independent Bus operators in 1986 they seemed to get everything in the London area including 'airport handling buses' yet somehow missed out all the fascinating bus operators in the Staffordshire Potteries. Poole's of Alsager Bank was just one of them but there was also Berresford plus Stonier, Proctor, and Turner all worth inclusion. Poole's favoured heavyweight Leyland Leopards for it's hilly urban services to Newcastle and Hanley and Willowbrook RBF987M is seen departing the latter

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