Sunday 30 January 2011

Back to school on our FBW Alpenwagen

I was very privileged to have to gone to school in Switzerland at a time when most people in Britain didn't even go abroad for their holidays. I have to say a lot of that expensive education was wasted on me but I still love Switzerland and of course the buses from those days. Luckily P24001 one of our two Post Buses at Chesieres has been preserved as a 'wedding bus'.. I think the PTT kept this fine FBW C40U Alpenwagen there for our school as Aiglon College used it for most of it's private hire whether they be educational trips, excursions, sport, or better still taking us down to Aigle Station at the end of term. Sometimes as well as the usual older  bonneted Saurer it saw service too on the five-mile zig-zagging journey down to the village of Ollon in the Rhone Valley where there was a tiny mountain railway halt. At week-ends one of our favourite pass-times was stupidly cycling down here at break-neck speeds negotiating hair-pin bends named like Pennyfeather after boys who had crashed there  knowing that later on Sunday afternoon tired we could all pile on to the bus and our bicycles would be returned in it's trailer ready for another death-defying schoolboy adventure..

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