Friday 21 January 2011

Grey Green at Stamford Hill

Like many Independents T. Cowie's 'Grey Green Group' had a mix of more refined heavyweight coaches for top line work and cheaper lighter vehicles for the more mundane 'bread and butter' work like carrying policemen and schoolkids around locally. Duple Dominant bodied  bodied Bedford YMT YYL793T was typical of the fleet under previous George Ewer ownership but these were the last of the type. Tried here in the early Eighties were examples of the Leyland Tiger and Royal Tiger plus the sophisticated 'flagship' coach the Royal Tiger Doyen as witnessed by A839SYR seen at the Stamford Hill Garage. But although more powerful and advanced none could compare with the more dependable rugged Leopard and with Leyland products no longer being as good this operator like others took the more sensible course and turned to the excellent Swedish Volvo B10M.

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