Sunday 20 February 2011

Ios: New house isn't coming on too well, but the rockery is going to be wonderful

In our deeply regulated stupefyingly safety conscious developed Europe it's nice to see how others who don't worry so much do it. In Greece they might have all those annoying planning and bureaucratic nightmares to overcome but once those hurdles are overcome the rest should be a doddle for the local builder. However were I to try to build an apartment like this I'm sure someone from the council would soon come over with the tape measure and a bundle of hard to fathom prohibition forms. Another thing we find strange when travelling is all the unfinished buildings in Greece, it seems the custom is to build a bit at a time and live in it whilst you save up for more. However the world is changing and no doubt that applies to laid-back backwaters like Ios too so I expect even though certain strange practices remain EEC regulations now apply. Surprisingly even if the far off Eighties the local Hino bus that ferried people to the local beaches had a warning beacon on the top, maybe it doubled as a fire appliance! However I expect it was for in the harbour area.


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