Saturday 26 October 2013

Often I post photos thinking who would like this and when I do my rounds of bus rallies there's usually a Merseyside Buses stand manned by former former Wallasey crews who in a friendly way will tell you that it was not only the best but the friendliest garage. As one brouses they hear tales of getting the pride of the garage a Duple bodied Leyland Tiger coach for the last run at night through the Mersey Tunnel, but much more mundane on the cross Mersey service was this Leyland Olympian on the Liverpool side with no doubt one of their mates driving it. Well I appreciate them for in a tatty box I found a huge pile of yellowing PSV News Sheets from the Sixties which are always an interesting read during the cold winter months with all those MCTD and Crosville allocations, not bad three-quid fo such a huge bundle of bus nostalgia!.

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