Friday 20 December 2013

P25202: Slip and slide in Davos

In places the Swiss drivers cope easily with the sort of snow we get in the UK, but on this occasion in Davos it was particularly treacherous as it had rained on the previous day's snow then frozen hard overnight and the weather turned back to snow again leaving about four inches of the fresh fall on top of  a slippery thick layer of solid ice. Just arriving in the town we had to swerve and almost lost control as the rear of an articulated bus jack-knifed across the road and a few yards on an approaching out of control car slithered over just missing us. Even for pedestrians it was difficult not to do the splits or land on your bum. Still life goes on and the driver of this Mercedes 0405 post bus P25202 on normally easy town services to Davos Dorf  no doubt would welcome the end of his demanding shift requiring high levels concentration.

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