Saturday 11 January 2014

Crosville Cymru UDM 445V

It's always a bit depressing to see buses about to go to the breakers and I've tried not to photograph too many. I know it's tempting to catch them just before they finally depart but I prefer to dwell on how they looked in their prime maybe when I too was a dent-free youngster. However this dead Crosville-Wales Bristol VR  DVL 445 merging into the rather rusty run down corrugated iron at the rear of Bangor Garage appealed to me a lot.


  1. I find a fascination about looking "out the back" of bus garages. I suspect that in the good old days the appearance (and safety) of the whole site was important to the operating company. Since the end of the NBC the areas out of public sight don't have the previous importance.

  2. Crosville's garages were fairly no nonsence affairs usually clad in corrugated iron or asbestos sheeting but everything was kept in good order. I'm afraid not only do the areas we don't see look scruffy today even the frontages have boarded up windows and long forgotten enquiry offices. The overall dreary here-today-gone-tomorrow appearance is not helped by the paint of which Arriva's horrid aquamarine continues to depress the senses. Of course the notable exception is Stagecoach Group who has tidy well laid out yards too as it believes if something is worth doing it is worth doing properly or not at all.
