Monday 17 February 2014

Old MAN750 Chariots ready to do battle

In Britain we can find some fine interesting backdrops for our bus photographs but the Croatian city of Pula could provide us with a host of secondhand MAN750 buses posed on the huge bus parking area in front of the magnificent ruins of the Roman Arena in 1982.


  1. When first looked at the photo I thought how on earth did they make enough space to park all those buses. When I went to Rome there was certainly nowhere to park in front of the Coliseum. Then I read your text to find that it wasn't Rome at all, which probably proves that when you've seen one ancient Roman Arena you've seen them all!

  2. Knightrider, no doubt some of the youngsters race around and toot their horns they way the do in Rome, but still under the cloak of Communism sleep Pula was not a city with much of a parking problem.

  3. During Communism (1970's and 1980's) one of the biggest problems was parking problem, especialy in the summer. Everyday articles in the local newspspers... Buses were almost empty in some periods... cars, cars...
