Sunday 2 March 2014

BVG 3609: Springtime in Berlin's Leafy Suburbs

Springtime miraculously arrives in Berlin, and when the sun finally comes out  every time as though it has never happened before the poor film crews for the evening TV news go out filming everyone out enjoying it including of course the children and what the Berliners seem to love even more their messy Dogs. Of course accompanied by a saccharine comentary we have to enjoy clouds of blossom and hosts of daffodils nodding their innocent car polluted heads plus the odd insect or frog if they can find one. But not so many of the equally proific yellow dandilions and unless you happen to be waiting for one, plentiful of normally now hot to ride on yellow buses too. Of course the new three axle Lion double-deckers have what I found to be not terribly effective forced ventilation when it is working. Still it is nice to be there in Springtime but sadly these much nicer earlier and much more sprightly MAN double-deckers are now just another memory on normal bus routes unless you ride a preserved example from Wannsee..

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