Monday 25 August 2014

Blackpool and another sunshine filled Bank Holiday

There's something about Blackpool in the rain and I'm trying to find the word to describe it. Words and phrases like Romantic, Very British, don't quite hit the mark but how about 'Wet'? Well wet it might be but I for one feel a little nostalgic and I'm sure many of you would like to journey back there in Jojo's time-machine to ride on Routemasters, Atlanteans, Leyland PD3's, Nationa2's and AEC Swifts in the rain rather than go there today where there seems to be little of interest to photograph even in the sunshine. Blackpool like Blackburn was a late purchaser of the Atlantean AN68 which some Municipals still preferred to Leyland's more advanced Olympian. Well if that's not enough to tempt you, how about Fish and Chips for just a Pound and probably a warm pint in a smokey bar for about the same price to wash it down?

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