Friday 8 August 2014

London Pride or General Anethetic

The feet hurt it is tiring and even quite stressful but there's something a bit special about having a day in London. Always an adventure you never know who or what you might see and what might be happening around the next corner. With so many buses to photograph one might think it would be a lot easier but it isn't as if one is picky there are always falling shadows, cars or people in front of it and when you catch it at the traffic lights it's always a moment too late. Of course with digital photography you can lose as few but in the old days one could waste a lot of film but the great ones always made it worth it. With the splitting up of London Buses a breakaway company took the historic name London General and it's attractive pre-war livery which looked very nice on RM 1590, whilst the Ensign livery on former London Daimler Fleetline DMS 255 converted to open-top was also very similar. If I repeat a post it's usually by accident as with so many posts I can't remember them all but I'm quite happy to add this again as it's lovely.

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