Monday 18 August 2014

MRJ 100W: Yelloway meets cruel Asset Strippers

It was a sad day when the much loved Yelloways of Rochdale sold out to a coach dealer whose recent bus operations were called SUT, short for Sheffield United Tours a once proud name name it had also acquired. But like many have a go merchants which came and went following deregulation this dealer turned bus operator was more interested in seeing how thin it could spread the jam hence out went the new and cherished and in came the used and tatty. Deregulation was meant to open the express coach market up too, but  the various new and long established ventures failed so more worryingly till Meggabus arrived we we left with just one long distance operator in England and Wales and one in Scotland. Today National Express is efficient enough, but if one lives outside the main hub you often have to travel when you can get a seat and not when you want to. Bring back Yelloways, Premier Travel and the others I say!

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