Wednesday 31 December 2014

M&D: Exactly Fifty Years Ago

I'm sure I'm only forty years old but believe it or not I took this M&D Atlantean DH 530 in Tonbridge Fifty years ago when I went to stay with a schoolfriend in Crowborough fort he New Year 64-65. We had a day out to Brighton too and that was my first proper introduction to Southdown territory as well. So long ago but in my minds eye it should not change as first impressions are those that set our mental template.


  1. I know what you mean, I have vivid impression of the first batch of these arriving and entering service. Any mention of M&D Atlanteans and my mind pictures DH513 on delivery to my local depot (1959 - wow)

  2. Might that be one of the seven at Tonbridge?

  3. First of 5 at Gravesend, to replace Saunders bodied Bristols - so glad to see those go at the time and probably still feel the same about them now
