Thursday 18 December 2014

Maidstone Tin-Fronted PD2 No.12 412DKM

With both Leyland PD2's and Atlanteans bodied by Massey Brothers of Wigan the County Town of Kent became 100% this combination for a spell. The bodywork certainly suited the 'Midland Red' tin-front on 412 DKM making it look attractive despite the dirty winter slush early in 1968.


  1. Much preferred these in the brown/cream livery - maybe not at the time though.Nostalgia is a wonderful thing (more so than hindsight!). Thanks to you for keeping this blog going throughout the year, always varied and that keeps it interesting. Seasons greetings to you.

  2. Hi Anon, thanks for you kind message and seasonal greetings. It does get a bit lonely on here at times as few seem to leave comments but I do get a lot of views via Google searches. Of course I duplicate a lot of these from my Flickr page so it's not such hard work and a nice little archive. Like yourself I think the ginger livery was much more subtle and classy but the light blue was nicely applied with the same black lining out and looked much better than those horrid Seventies rebranded municipal liveries which came later
