Saturday 14 March 2015

Warstine Bedford OB Duple Vista GCA 747

Some might disapprove of my attempt to photograph Warstone's well known Duple Vista bodied Bedford OB through the fence. Originally bought for spares for lorries the need to find work for this still roadworthy machine started it all off with bus work and I like the idea of one being enticed through the gates to view what in the middle of the Leyland National era can only be called pure gems all turned out in that lovingly applied dark green and cream livery.

1 comment:

  1. Surely Warstone? In the 1990's this bus was used, in August, on the Friday only Cannock - Lichfield via Chorley route. Often with Graham Martin himself selling Bell Punch tickets and with a fag in his mouth. Now all gone....

    Tony Martin, no relation!
