Saturday 2 May 2015

Bassetts Allsorts KCW75N

I suppose as we get older that thing that made a trip to town on a Saturday Afternoon dwindles, but even now it is still a little bit special with a different lot of people we might see or someone nice we haven't bumped into for ages. As for buses though today every day is very much the same but that wouldn't be so bad if we were still treated to a smart Bassetts Duple bodied Leopard like KCW75N. Life moves on and apart from liveries I think the full-size offerings from the big groups by far outshine those excuse for a PSV, the minibus. Coming up behind is a Happy Days Plaxton Supreme bodied Ford RUJ 341R which came from Allerton of Bywater whilst the Bassetts vehicle was one of many from it's favorite source W. Robinson of Great Harwood.

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