Sunday 18 October 2015

Winter Comes to Stafford: Stevensons NVT 452W

In the Peddle Era as well as updating with firstly Atlanteans and then many London Fleetline's new vehicles of all types also became a feature too like this grant spec Plaxton bodied Ford No.5 NVT 452W seen in a snowy Stafford.


  1. Ah, memories of teenage years and Saturday trips escaping from the West Midlands. :)

    I would have looked with interest at the Stevensons machine but wouldn't have dared get on as I would have been very unlikely to have had more than 50p in my pocket, and being used to Midland Red fares I wouldn't have expected that to get me very far!

    However, I would have been quite happy to jump on that DP Leopard as I would have had an Explorer ticket (£1 or £1.10 child right 'til deregulation!), so that would have been an equally suitable alternative for me...

  2. Glad these bring back fond memories for you.
