Sunday 1 November 2015

OHK 432: Lincoln Bus Running DAy

Those who go regularly will I agree that the end of season 1st November Lincoln running event is always enjoyable whatever the weather for it is well organised with friendly helpers and a mouth-watering selection of old buses of all vintages. A popular visitor this year was this fine 1949 Daimler CVD6 with rare Roberts bodywork Colchester No.4 in it's original colours OHK 432.


  1. Ross (LVVS volunteer)2 November 2015 at 05:08

    Thanks for the positive comments, especially about the volunteers. :)

    I'm glad you had a good day - it's fun for us too (although my feet have only just stopped aching after being on them for a solid 12 hours yesterday!)

    I think it might have been a record attendance yesterday; it certainly felt busy all day.

  2. Hi Ross, I'm glad you enjoyed it too and even though the weather is starting to turn now this year we were especially lucky. Which bus were you on I rode on about seven?

  3. Hi Christopher,

    I wasn't on the buses themselves as I was being "Blakey" at the Pyke Road terminus, trying to make sure everything ran smoothly, letting people know what was happening, answering questions and probably getting in the way of thousands of photos in the process!

    It looked a bit dodgy first thing with the fog but once it burned off we were blessed with a real Indian summer of a day. We really couldn't have asked for better!

    Ross the Bearded Blakey ;)
