Tuesday 29 March 2016

Arriva Optare 3699 in New Park Road, Shrewsbury.

An Optare Spectra the most common type with Arriva at Shrewsbury along with Solo's heads down New Park Road. I think we probably tend to take too many photos in the more obvious places so I like to have a camera with me when I'm just walking from A-B as it's always good to have varying views although I admit they can't all be exactly interesting. A herd of wild buffalo came charging down here five minutes earlier but sadly I just missed it lol. The number 3699 suggests a Midland Red S12 but that one was at Hartshill, Dudley and Evesham, but 3696-8 were all allocated new here; ah those were the days!

1 comment:

  1. It's an Optare Versa. The Spectra was a double deck model but I don't think any are left in mainstream service.
