Sunday 12 June 2016

Trying to Contain Myself with Excitement in Kirby

Oh dear I'm trying not to say I quite like the look of those Stagecoach stripes on this Alexander bodied MAN seen last week at Kirby where a few classic buses gathered in a world of featureless roads, iron railings and shipping containers. The later Stagecoach livery is better of course, but whereas Barbi was a bit dull it was nicely designed whereas the new one is all wishy-washy like a plate of mixed up fruit yogurt  and thin and dare I say it I think this is a bit better. As for Arriva It's about time it got a new livery too, anything except that vile aquamarine please which affects me as I have mild colour blindness making the blue turn a horrid green. Well at least the bus will feel at home here on Merseyside having operated with Stagecoach in Kington upon Hull

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