Tuesday 19 July 2016

Bristol in the Sun, what a Scorcher!

It might seem like this is the first red hot day we've ever had but it has happened before as can be witnessed by this Bristol Omnibus FLF with all it's windows open.


  1. The great advantage of double-deck buses of that era compared to those of today is of course the hopper vents in the front windows which, although sometimes a nuisance when someone insisted on having them open in February, were an absolute blessing on hot days such as those we have this week.

    Travelling on a "top of the range" Stagecoach Gold (or equivalent) bus with only a couple of hopper vents on each side (and those usually halfway down the bus) is far from enjoyable in weather like this, especially with the insistence on fitting fake-leather seat covers.
    Hot, sticky and utterly unpleasant, in fact. :(

  2. Come on Ross loosen up it's Summer, yes but I know what you mean. I can live with heat but I tend to go for the raised seats towards the rear of saloons and on a cool day it really bugs me when people open the side vents and a cold draught hits my face, the problem seems worse when the vent is on the opposite side.
