Wednesday 10 August 2016

A Midland Classic YT16 DXT

To some the red on this Optare Versa of Midland Classic reminds them of local Midland Red and the yellow of Stevenson's who also had a bit of history in Lichfield too. Of course just before it all became Arriva Midland Red North employed a similar livery but what I like about it the most spotlessly clean and decked out in cheerful and what I call proper colours this bus lifts the spirits. I wanted to get a bit more of the side in as well but it was too close behind the cars in front to do anything better.


  1. That's an Optare Metrocity not a Versa. The Versa has the more pointy "nose".

  2. Thanks, I'll get it right one of these days I don't follow modern buses that closely.
