Wednesday 3 August 2016

Unfamiliar Livery in Carrs Lane

Perhaps it is a good thing in that I am not always good at throwing things away including poor photographs. Not my worst by a long way but this interesting view of a former South Yorkshire Leyland National B Series in Carrs Lane Birmingham wearing unfamiliar colours and bound for Tamworth caught my eye

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Serveverse (or sometimes Serverse, I think).

    I have a feeling they were related to the Burman Travel/Tame Valley Travel/Frontline operation who seemed to change identity every year or so.

    Whatever your own thoughts on the merits of the photo (it looks fine to me!), it captures a part of the West Midland's bus history, and probably a part that's been fairly neglected.

    I'd pretty much lost interest in buses at that time, and now I wish I'd paid more attention. But we can't turn the clock back so I rely on photos such as yours jog the memory... :)
