Saturday 22 October 2016

The Arriva Rocket to Rocket Pool

I told the pleasant driver I was going to photograph his bus and gave him the option of being in or out of shot, instead he posed for me in front of his Wright bodied VDL. What a difference it makes being a pretty young lady like Jojo lol, for as we know drivers can be quite rude and snotty with enthusiasts these days, however having said that I don't get much trouble. For a while Arriva competed with the Optare Solos of Banga Bus on the 530 route from Wolverhampton to Rocket Pool but even shorter doudle-deckers were a bit too big to weave the  maze of narrow estate roads. Also Banga were more popular with the public as Arriva don't stop for people unless they are at the stop and this caused a degree of consternation as just giving a wave from the other side of the road no longer worked as people ventured towards the hurrying bus, and yes they were always in a hurry too I don't think they wanted people to get on if they could help it.

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