Sunday 2 October 2016

Topless Adventurer in Plymouth: Atlantean WJY 758

I'm afraid by the time I took this photo Plymouth was awash with those awful minibuses, but at least to see over the top of them all there were still a few Corporation Leyland Atlanteans about and it was even better still to ride on one of the open-toppers as the rather pleasant engine noise drowned out the ubiquitous shrill squawking of greedy seagulls. This one called 'Plymouth Adventurer' wasn't doing anything exciting or bold just heading down to the Barbican and Hoe and back. Now No.458 this bus WJY 758 was new as 158 in 1962 and was seen in the late Eighties.

1 comment:

  1. this bus is now a part of the PLYMOUTH CITY TRANSPORT PRESERVATION GROUP.
