Tuesday 27 December 2016

Miserable Xmas but A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Not a very nice day at all and despite it being Xmas Eve not much cheer, but I expect spirits would rise for the new year celebrations. Not an ideal day for photographs either but as well as getting moody photographs of Midland Alexander R-Series Metrobuses in Glasgow I had a look around what I think was the Burrell Art Collection nearby with the upside down crucifixion by Dali etc so it was an interesting day. I didn't mind it being on top of Xmas either for the GEC driver didn't fancy going up in the lorry because there might be snow and ice and Christmas Shopping to do so I took the more urgent bits and with the extra miles got a nice little stocking filler for my efforts. That was the beauty of having my own van, once the jobs were finished it was up to me what you did which is partly why I have such a good variety of black and whites from this period. No I don't regret not having a proper career either as life is for having fun.

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