Thursday 16 February 2017

Bexleybus NC bodied Leyland Olympian E924 KYR

Looking back maybe I should have used my child's red rover ticket to visit more green country area garages as some of them could be accessed by a red central area bus. But the reality of it was it did take a few hours to reach these from Bloomsbury where our hotel was but I still remember taking this the No.96 to Dartford and it was an RT in those days.RF's. By the Nineties LT Buses had been broken up and broken up again and surprisingly Bexleybus was operating exactly the same buses in the same livery as in Eastbourne which I always found odd. No doubt one of you will tell us the story behind this coincidence but these NC bodied Leyland Olympians did look quite attractive in their blue and cream. However like many situations at the time it did not last long so it's fortunate whilst working that I parked up for a few minutes to take a couple of pictures. On the other hand as I used to deliver electricty meters to the LEB here they might have been on lunch and I went for a stroll. My memory must be escaping me lol but it was a few years ago!

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