Sunday 2 April 2017

First Western National Dennis Dart on London Road Tavistock P443 TCV

First Bus drivers are a very very friendly bunch as I'm sure you will all agree which is why I wondered why the driver pulled his blind down not wanting to be in my photo. As one might expect most drivers are just fine but there are a few who can be quite rude and the two worst places that spring to mind were Halifax and Blackburn where more than the odd one took evasive action with attitude. Now I live as Jojo it doesn't seem to be so much of a problem, perhaps they are just not used to female enthusiasts and humour me. Okay I know what some of you might be thinking but you don't need to say it lol. This is quite a nice view all the same of a Plaxton Pointer Dennis Dart as most of these Tavistock pictures tend to be taken in the vicinity of the bus station but this was right at the other end of the London Road close to the war memorial and a wet road does wonders for an otherwise pedestrian view.


  1. Some First drivers are OK and others are not but I bet that applies to most bus companies and to a degree is probably down to how their companies treat the drivers.

  2. Peter I agree, I used to have to visit companies and factories to make deliveries and get a horrible boss and it was never a nice place to go to. Get a nice friendly helpful boss and one would be in and out again in five minutes. Arriva Stafford Garage was on the axe list for a number of years and consequently it was never a happy place with a shortage of buses and nearly all old ones, then the bosses didn't seem to care if buses turned up or not and some of the drivers left a lot to be desired. Of course there were the nice chatty crews too but now it runs from Cannock at least it is better managed and we get better buses not just time expired short Darts.
