Friday 23 June 2017

WMT. 2026 A Very Lucky Bus For Me

Last week I was looking forwards to getting home as it was hot and chemo tires me out. But waiting for my 54 bus home to Stafford turned out to be a long wait as I stood at the bus stop for the best part of an hour waiting for it. When I caught the next hourly bus I asked what had happened and he told me it had been taken off because someone had pissed on one of the seats. I was happy with that anyway and it turned out the driver knew who I was one of  my 'Flickr Followers' So it wasn't such a bad day and i got a few more photos including this yet another Wright bodied Volvo but two of these photos is never quite the same. This bus West Midlands 2026 of Wolverhampton was where my purse fell out of my handbag but I quickly reporting it to the Bus Station Inspectors who radioed through and luckily the the driver found it for me as someone was sitting on it and it was returned plus the one-hundred-quid and credit cards. Phew, oh yes I might have to go a bit slower at the moment but life is never boring.

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