Friday 18 August 2017

PVT 225LPMT Bristol RELL ECW at Newcastle

PMT like a number of other former BET Group companies was a bit late taking the Bristol RE's and it was to be only for a short whilst the operators waited for 'the miracle bus' the admired and much hated Leyland National Mark1. Perhaps buying RE's was one of the  better moves of the NBC as it asserted itself, as in recent times PMT had bought some rather troublesome buses from the early lowheight Atlanteans to the notoriously bad Daimler Roadliner.  Behind is the Foden NC double-decker which was sent to PMT as like the Medway Towns the demanding urban terrain of the Potteries was considered ideal for bus trials. Also of course those people in the Potteries could quickly spot a dud when they saw one.

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