Wednesday 3 January 2018

West Midlands Metrobus BOK62V in Handsworth

West Midlands MCW Metrobus 2062 heads through Handsworth on it's way into Birmingham


  1. A PTE-era inspector would possibly have had something to say about the service number display, which should have been (blank)74(blank), not 74(blank)(blank) - PTE policy was that the displays were HTUL (Hundreds, Tens, Units, Letter), and were to be used consistently.

    Little things like that were lost as irrelevant and old-fashioned at deregulation, of course, despite perhaps making life just a little easier for the customers.

  2. Ross, well at least it didn't just display a route number which NBC buses often did with just perhaps 'Service' which is of no help to strangers.

  3. True enough, Christopher, although Wumpty (and later, although to a much lesser extent, WM Travel) did continue Birmingham's liking of route number plus "Service Extra", which wasn't exactly helpful either!
