Sunday 11 March 2018

Springtime at Shugborough

A Staffordshire  springtime Sunday Morning outing to Shugborough Hall nearby with my girlfriend at the time. Lesley was interesting and indeed the dream package for she worked as a psychiatric nurse but was not just excited about naturism and nude swimming but also used to dress in a leather one-piece and was in an all-girl motorcycle group. better still didn't mind posing in front of some Volvo B10M coaches for me both with Plaxton bodywork. The East Kent coach was the oldest and shows even if it still had a late NBC feel how easily it's pleasant dark red and cream livery could be updated. Much liked Bakers of Biddulph from the top of the county was fairly local and it's coach also a 3500 carried a later paramount body. I suppose these British bodies looked a bit conservative in their day but seem a lot more pleasing on the eye today as I find a some modern coaches look really hideous more like futuristic spaceships than nice traditional buses.

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