Sunday 29 July 2018

Right till the end of the Sixties bus driving might not have been a well paid job it was still a skilled profession which merited some pride and even loyalty. There was always the odd scruffy driver who knew all the fiddles, raced along jumping gear changes and who ran early or late but rarely on time. But in those days there were always plenty of inspectors to make sure they didn't get away with it. By the Nineties bus driving had just become a job and crews often moved backwards and forwards between local companies so there was no incentive to fly the flag. In this view taken in Liverpool the driver of the NC bodied Olympian has his shirt undone to his waist, and  whilst the driver of the other Leyland an East Lancs bodied Atlantean might look much more smart and properly dressed he is smoking a cigarette. This of course was not uncommon and not against the law but it was against the regulations and I remember one poor Standerwick Gay Hostess driver passing through Stafford who got reported by the local Ministry vehicle examiner for contentedly puffing away on his pipe.

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