Sunday 16 September 2018

Hurrying Over The Tram Tracks in Leipzig

It is always annoying when people step out in front of us when we are about to take a photo and especially when they just don't care! But not only was this guy just blinkered running for a train it turned a rather predictable LVB tram photo in Leipzig into a little gem. One more step and he would blocked out all the detail of the tram but as it is it robs us of nothing. This of course was in the days before we all had digital cameras and photography was still an expensive hobby.


  1. Ahh, Leipzig...

    I do like Leipzig, but it's so expensive to stay there now! Last time I visited, a couple of years ago, I ended up staying across the state border in Halle/Saale where I got a hotel for a 4-night long weekend for the same price I would have paid for 2 nights in Leipzig. They even threw in a free ticket for local public transport, which is something I've only ever seen in Germany and Switzerland, but is definitely something I wish would happen here in the UK too.

    Unlike most places in that part of the world, Leipzig still runs Tatra T4D cars, albeit modernised and with low-floor trailers, alongside modern low-floor trams and the home-built Leoliners, so it's still an interesting place to visit for the trams.

    Time for another visit, I think!

  2. I used to love going to places like Switzerland and Denmark but with BREXIT looming the pound has sunk so I don't even entertain the thought. East Germany used to be very cheap but of course places like Leipzig have gone up in the world and it's hard to guess it was not so long ago a backwater under the Communists.
