Saturday 13 October 2018

Ribble Rarities: In Model Terms The Holy Grail

I decided my new year's resolution for 2018 was to stop buying diecast models because I'm almost out of space to display them. I did really well and reached October without being tempted to indulge. But when I was at the Birkenhead  transport event last week on the stall in front of me first appeared the Britbus Ribble Albion Lowlander loose but otherwise mint going for just a tenner! I couldn't believe I had found it at last as it so rare, and I was just digesting that bit of fortune when I saw a second absolute rarity the dual-purpose Marshall bodied Leopard this time going for just  eight-pounds. Sadly because they were loose and put into paper bags for me I tried to keep them safe but I eventually lost one of the mirrors off the Lowlander but they are literally held on by to scale tiny pins. The easily knocked off-side mirror usually goes first but this time it was the other one partly protected by the canopy, but at least it's not so noticeable. So it was an excellent day as one just dreams of luck like that. They had only just been put out as they were part of someones collection who had sadly passed away. I don't feel guilty though about breaking my resolution as there were still maybe half a dozen I still wanted if I saw them at the right price and besides there are still going to be one or two as yet unannounced new models I might want in the future. So if I can stick to that it's one for Christmas and one for my birthday.

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