Monday 31 December 2018

Maidstone Corporation Daimer CVG6 LKJ 777

When I was at Maidstone Art School in 1967-8 the Corporation had a 100% Massey bodied Leyland fleet apart from three old Daimler CVG6's and Brush bodied 77 was still wearing the much more tasteful and pleasant ginger livery when photographed. By the time I left another three G-Reg Atlanteans had joined the fleet and the old days were gone.


  1. I always loved the Maidstone fleet. The "ginger" livery unique and the way the coat of arms was displayed in a cream circle reminded me of my hometown buses crest displayed in a cream diamond. The latter somehow lost it's significance when the diamond was abolished, as did the town's significance in the 1974 local government reorganization - and I suspect many other medium-sized towns too.

  2. Thanks Mick, and I love the tidy hand painted adverts as well. The ginger livery was ideal for Maidstone as it was quite a smelly town with aromas coming from both the brewery and sharps toffee.
